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Thursday, 19 January 2012

Analysis of 'The Reeds' - Sophie O'Dell

Information contained in the opening: Everyone appears to be living normal lives, havin a good time, until a sudden movment is seen in the long grass and the atmosphere, time of day and music changes. From this moment it seems that only bad things are then to happen tothe people involved and there is a clear element of death throughout the rest of the film. The opening sequence highlights the worst most intense parts of the film to heighten the intensity and prepare us for what is to come.

Sound: From the very beginning there is a non-diegetic high pitch contstant ringing sound which is mixed in with a lower sound. These two sounds are played over top of the action all the waythrough the opening. As the movement increases so does the pace of the music and the beat becomes stronger to a constant drum beat. Near to the end when the action then stops and the title appears the music quietens and becomes the sound that was played before. Leaving us intrigued by what is going to happen. Under the non-diegetic music, diegetic sound is played such screams the sound of rippling water on the river, heavy breathing and the rustling of the grass. This creates a cutting atmosphere leaving us panicked and disturbed by the actions we are seing.

Enigma: The opening didnt let onto what this creature was in the long grass which was the key element to why the mood changed of the film from happy to dark and eerie. We are unbeknown to what these people are running from, and being held back from finding. And why there is such fear and terror in the characters faces.

Cinematography: The camera work in the starts of with an establishing shot of a man peacefully gliding down the river on his canoe, and then a mid shot of a women driving in her car, continuing onto a man getting out of his car and stretching and a couple dancing in a field. But inbetween these shots there were fast, snappy camera shots tracking a creature which was moving through the reeds beside the river.  Once the gun shot sounded there was a long shot of a flock of birds taking flight andf flying over the river. Continuing onto a long shot of the sun setting which had been obviously speeded up showing the change in time and atmosphere giving the film a darkened mnood. Quick shots of emotions and dark landscapes were then shown, revealing peoples emotions and snippets of the film to come. Most of these shots were tracking shots of people running and moving quickly trying to escape from something we are unbeknown to. The use of high angled shots are fequent throughout this opening sequence showing that there is a certain power being held over these people. Watching over them. Most of the shots are also done close up to the action and really draw your attention to the detail of the characters face or the object thats being focused on.

Editing: The scenes have been edited so that the characters reactions and emotions almost react to each other. The shots have been cut so they are short and snappy and draw attention to just particular important moments. The frames have also been faded in and out of one another clearly showing the change in scenery. The non diegetic and diegetic sound has also been edited so that you can still here snippets of diegtic sound along side the non diegetic sound which creates the atmosphere.

Mise en Scene: The costumes for the characters are very realistic, they just show that they are normal people who do normal every day things. Even when people start to turn into the zombie type creatures their costumes remain the same but their make up is obviously different E.g. a girl is shown with her eye blown out and a really pale face. Things such as their hair and make up change as the time goes on, in the rain their hair is wet and stuck to their faces and the womens make up is black round their eyes. The settings of the film all shown to be around the same place amongst 'The Reeds' and in the river. It seemsa as though the action is only taken place through the night and the bad weather. Obviously then creating more of a thriller atmosphere for the audience. Props such as dummies are also used when there is a low shot under water showing a body floating on the surface.

Graphics: The only graphics which were used in this film thriller opening was the gun shot explosions and the intenified flames of the fire. From this clip I can only see natural sourced action and not a lot of graphical ajustmnents such as extra explosions, animation or transformations.

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